Why all capitals is not a good idea On many web sites the designer has chosen to use all capitals to promote an important message
Why all capitals is not a good idea On many web sites the designer has chosen to use all capitals to promote an important message
The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is an open source initiative that is being driven by publishers and technology companies to improve the entire mobile content
Brand Support The whole point of a “Brand” is to promote consumer recognition and usually some “brand value” but we’ll leave out the marketing clichés
When we look at pictures and images they are either a portrait image where the width is narrower than the height dimension or they are
Image Tools To create your perfect website you need to be able to manipulate images and graphics to get them into the right size and
When you have been employed to create a new version of an existing website try and get the highest quality graphics you can direct from
It can sometimes be difficult to find just the right images for the message you want to convey on your site. But please don’t steal
Humans like Symmetry Human beings have a natural ability to recognise symmetry usually what is referred to as reflectional symmetry. This is where you put
I want to walk through a couple of problems that are often encountered with images; the first is when the only client logo you have