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Hand Conjuring an Image Library
Picture of Nick Green

Nick Green

Image File Sizes

It can sometimes be difficult to find just the right images for the message you want to convey on your site. But please don’t steal images from the other peoples websites.

Sourcing Images

There are many sources of free images out there so have a search for for something suitable. When you do make Google’s image search make it do more for you. Start by clicking on “Search tools”.

Search Tools

Select the size drop down. I recommend that you always select “Large” you can always make images small but not bigger as I’ll demonstrate later.

Size Selection

Narrow down your search by the type of image you are looking for.

File Type

If your a looking for an image with a particular colour scheme you can narrow the search to images with those colours.

Image Colour

Finally you can restrict the search to certain usage types.

File Usage

If you think about the image place you need to fill you can consider it to be like a hole in a wall.

Hole in a Brick Wall

If you have this hole to fill which of these two bricks do you choose.

Lego Brick
Small Concrete Block
You choose the big concrete block because you can make that smaller to fit but there’s no way to make the Lego brick fit no matter how you stretch it. If you take a small image and begin to enlarge it no matter how sophisticated your software is it will eventually begin to “pixelate” (like the image below) and look bad making your website look bad.
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